EVENTS FOR THE SEASON & where the goods are!

All events this year are canceled by me, due to the flooding I incurred on July 10th 2024. Too many tools, supplies and all the salvage destined for 3-D sculptures the community and I have gathered and stored, have been lost. Not to mention, my enthusiasm. And finances.

I may….stress ‘MAY’ do an open house before the holidays, but no promises. I have just barely begun to work again in a minimalist, small style, lol, with what I have available. Prints and small glass items are available at The Peacham Corner Guild (in Peacham Vermont) and at The Kingdom Home Goods Store (St. Johnsbury Vermont) and prints and the occasional original at AVA Gallery in Lebanon, NH.

Thank you to all those who helped me get out of the mud! A true community effort of altruism and slog. I so appreciate it and have no manner of reciprocating, except by continuing to be available to help others in different capacities.

Spring Lamb on old wood

New Posts, not attempted resurrection posts from the past, lol. Dreadful flooding in our region!

Today is July 28th. It has been 18 to 19 days since severe flooding over certain regions of Vermont, which has given me time to reflect. We are lucky. We didn’t lose a home. We didn’t lose a life. All these things have happened in a small rural area of the Northeast Kingdom. So, I am grateful, yet very sad for others who have lost loved ones or homes.

Volunteers by the dozens stepped up to help. My son Nate and his partner, and my daughter in CT. were an incredible asset….so much work and organizational work was done. The MUD was INFINITE!

However, we did lose our 2400 SQF basement from over 5’ of trapped water, much swept towards the Atlantic ocean.Our woodshop, tools, equipment, materials and supplies for much of my work, gone. Let alone bikes, gardening supplies, mowers and many other personal items. The basement is stable and nearly empty. Sort of like a giant concrete bowling alley, lol. Maybe the acoustics are good for a good old-fashioned barn dance :)

We are closing in on the restoration and clean up.

Nearly time to move forward.

MUD SEASON in Vermont

It is nearly time to start gardening up here in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. Still we have snow pockets and mud, mud mud! Mud season has shocked the new people to this area. They did not take it seriously enough. They didn’t believe us. Hahaha! Yes, funny at the expense of others tow bill. Valley news and VT Digger have expressed it thusly: ‘It’s of biblical proportions’: Vermonters contend with mud season unlike any in recent memory. Actually, I think it has been about 20 years that it has been so unbelievably bad. But, either way, it has totally controlled the rural life for about 3 weeks now, lol.

All the back roads need to be avoided at all cost.

Recent Works!

Recently I completed illustrations for another book by Eileen Tapper. An uplifting story of a childs’ loss, grief and finally acceptance in the face of losing her Aunt. “When Auntie Died”. Eileen has been a therapist for decades dealing with trauma. The book is available in major books stores. Barnes & Nobel. Here’s some links: Publication Consultants, Amazon, or visit her on Amazon /Amazon Authors, where the book will be available the end of April 2022. Here are a few of the illustrations. Kudos, Eileen!

A few pictures from Book.

I will be sharing more art and glass sooner than 2 years :) I have gardening to do too! It will be a busy year and I am very grateful for that. Here is another recent angel….I have been loving angels lately. I think everyone has. Thanks for visiting!

When Auntie Died by Eileen Tapper

Post Pandemic news of life. “Post” being the operative word here. Perhaps it is a regathering of sorts. / April 1, 2022

We have crawled through the past 2 plus years tattered, languished, grieving, disconsolate, shaken and hopefully stronger. For those that have lost loved ones, family, jobs, businesses, homes and school, I send love, compassion and empathy. Now we move forward and everything has changed. Priorities have changed. Business as usual has changed or closed. This is an opportunity to reconsider our place in this world and personal goals. Perhaps the silver lining.

"Those who attempt to act and do things for others or for the world without deepening their own self-understanding, freedom, integrity and capacity to love, will not have anything to give others.

"They will communicate nothing but the contagion of their own obsessions, their aggressiveness, their ego-centered ambitions, their delusions about ends and means, their doctrinaire prejudices and ideas.

"We are living through the greatest crisis in the history of humanity; and this crisis is centered precisely in the country that has made a fetish out of action and has lost (or perhaps never had) the sense of contemplation. Far from being irrelevant, prayer, meditation and contemplation are of the utmost importance in America."

—Thomas Merton

Butterflies Laughing


Visit my home and studio and see the works of several artist in an interesting environment, lol. Admit it, you have always wondered what the heck is going on in here.

Hoping to meet you!

Foliage open Studio

The Old Red Store/ McIndoe Falls (Barnet) VT & The Old Grafton County Courthouse/ Woodsville NH are OPENING THEIR STUDIOS! Lots of local works & some demonstrations

Open Studios are a great way to meet artists and see them in their natural environment. It is always interesting, informative and provides a greater appreciate of the process involved. The Old Red Store will present works from Belinda Emmons of Rabbit Run Gallery will be offering local natural animal photographs. A regional favorite! Donna Ellery ( is a fine (fun!) artist, cold glass worker and sculptor. Tom Shelton, visiting from IN, has works in museums, corporations & private collections nationally. We have some of his larger works here also, and are delighted to show them. 'A Place at the Table'; Linda Cochrane's antique upcycled, recycled and restorations will be available. Her works are also shown at The local Peacham Corner Guild, a great place to visit. And pastry next door at the Peacham Cafe; a not-to-miss. Down the road 7 miles, in Woodsville NH, Linda Bryan of the Red House Studio and Kitchen Sink Photography, will be offering demonstrations at The Old Grafton County Courthouse in Woodsville NH. Friday 2:00 Darkroom Demonstration Saturday 2:00 Cyanotype (sun-print) Demonstration. Her works will be on display and her studio open, both days. Locally, the Barnet Community Hall in the Barnet church (100 Church Street, Barnet VT) , is having a quilt show on September 30th and having a raffle to support Ukraine with a quilt give-away! A non-dairy ice cream sundae social is happening at that same location from 2-4pm. There are quite a few rural events occurring around here that weekend, so enjoy Harvey's Lake at the same time. Come and enjoy a gorgeous ride down Route 5, enjoy the view, find local farm foods, meet some interesting people and see some great local art!