(Please note, this is my attempt to transfer the blog by hand from the old website, which did not transfer properly. Alas).
Painted a nice large piece, Early Storm at 38 by 40, O/C this spring to send to a seasonal gallery along with other prepared works. I like this one quite a bit, which is always a tough one for an artist. Always driving towards the things that did not happen, the perpetual quest. But, in oranges, pinks, reds and grays, this one hit my sweet spot. Or the side of my sweet spot. Simple, yet complex.
This late summer, Alexis St. Croix a speech pathologist from East Hampton CT., authored 2 of a series of 4 educational resource picture books. She saw a need and filled it! From 0-3 years old children, for parents, caretakers and professionals. I did all the back watercolor illustrations and she edited them and dropped in her characters. For a first time endeavor, they are pretty darn nice! Can’t wait for the 2 next books! Support independent creators if you should have children in this age range: https://www.wefirstkids.com/