EVENTS FOR THE SEASON & where the goods are!

All events this year are canceled by me, due to the flooding I incurred on July 10th 2024. Too many tools, supplies and all the salvage destined for 3-D sculptures the community and I have gathered and stored, have been lost. Not to mention, my enthusiasm. And finances.

I may….stress ‘MAY’ do an open house before the holidays, but no promises. I have just barely begun to work again in a minimalist, small style, lol, with what I have available. Prints and small glass items are available at The Peacham Corner Guild (in Peacham Vermont) and at The Kingdom Home Goods Store (St. Johnsbury Vermont) and prints and the occasional original at AVA Gallery in Lebanon, NH.

Thank you to all those who helped me get out of the mud! A true community effort of altruism and slog. I so appreciate it and have no manner of reciprocating, except by continuing to be available to help others in different capacities.

Spring Lamb on old wood